Posted By : Admin/1086
Eastern Mongolian Steppe Strictly Protected Area - wildlife park/sanctuary/reserve located at Matad and Erdenetsagaan soums, Dornod and Sukhbaatar aimags, Mongolia. Authorities have been convinced that the area's fragile environment and endangered fauna and flora need to be conserved. There has animals: Mongolian Gazelle, Wolf, Corsac Fox, Red Fox, Badger, Great Bustard, Steppe Eagle, Upland Buzzard, Kite, Rough-legged Harrier and Asiatic Grass Frog etc. Dornod is currently the base of a multi-million dollar environmental protection project, which is researching everything from fires to field mice in an attempt to protect one of the world's last undisturbed grasslands. Three large Strictly Protected Areas (SPA) were established in the aimag in 1992.